Sunday, May 31, 2009


An abundance of free time leads to a multitude of ways to to fill it. Last night, instead of my usual reading a book or playing solitare, I composed some Haikus (this might be a new low - or high, depending on how you view it for my ways to cure boredom.) Anyway. I thought I'd share the gems about my life here that I came up with. Enjoy!

In my apartment,
The rooster's crow wakes me up.
That, I will NOT miss.

In the yard, "qatiq,
ayran, xiyar, pomidor,"
Xanims yell to sell.

Translators notes on this one - qatiq is basically plain yogurt, ayran is this super-gross (in my opinion) dairy product that they make, xiyar is cucumber, pomidor is tomato, and xanim is the word used for woman/lady - usually when PCVs use it it refers to old ladies.


Swerve to miss a sheep.
Speed to pass the slow, slow trucks.
Stop - for no reason.

And my personal favorite...

Bucket Bath
Scoop, splash, scrub with soap.
One bucket is all you need
To get Azer-clean.


Kate said...

Nice. And just think, in a bit over three months, you'll be able to get Ameri-clean!

AMT said...

I love haikus! And I especially love your haikus!