Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why'd the Chicken Cross the Road?

There is a little flock of chickens that hangs out on the road on my way to school. I'm sure they are destined to be someone's dinner, but right now, they are yet another part of my cultural education. That's right, yet another of my suburban misconceptions shot to hell... Chickens actually do cross the road!

I always thought it was a ridiculous idea, invented for the sake of the joke. I mean, really, why would a chicken cross the road? Don't they just hang out in coops all day?

Imagine my surprise when I witnessed - and do witness on a daily basis - that chickens do indeed cross the road. And they don't look both ways, like a good little chicken should, before they cross. And they definitely should given the way people drive here! They just run out, willy nilly, without a care as to what might be coming at them.

And so, now, to answer the timeless question - why'd the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side, of course. But there is more to it. They are not just getting to the other side - they are racing to the other side. Everyday, my neighborhood chickens are running back and forth, braving the wild marshuka drivers, racing to win the great chicken race. I can only wonder what the grand prize is.


Anonymous said...

Woo hooo! Chickens! hee hee hee :)

Shannon said...

well... I guess we know where the term/sport of "playing chicken" came from...

crazy chickens.

Heidi said...

"A Flock of Chickens" sounds like a really bad 80s band. Maybe they are crossing the road to get to the next gig. Or perhaps they are trying to escape being dinner. "And I ran, I ran so far away, I just ran..." [I hope someone remembers that song and that band, or else this is so not funny!]

Shannon said...

Heidi... you are way to clever!! The things/trivia that that brain of yours possess are way beyong comprehension! your students are one lucky bunch of kids!

you are so on my team the next time we play trival persuit!

AMT said...

Do fans of A Flock of Chickens spike their hair up into combs on top of their heads?

macdaid said...

What's the grand prize for crossing the road?
My guess is it's the most profound and fundamental;
survival ... of the chicken race ....



Unknown said...

Hi Jane!

I don't know if we've met before, officially. (: I sit next to Kara in our sped office at Dogwood. Your blog is great! We, at the friendly special ed department, are keeping close watch over all your adventures and enjoying your stories. Thanks for keeping us posted. Hope to meet you officially when you return!
